A few weeks ago, we brought the old hosiery mill at 2400 E. Huntingdon to your attention. We mentioned that demolition permits had recently been pulled for the warehouse and that there had been plans in 2018 to construct a 68 unit building on the site.
We now have a cleared picture of what the owners intend to build on the more than 20,000 square foot IRMX parcel due to the fact that the project will need to appear before the non-binding Civic Design Review (CDR). Before presenting to the CDR, the project team will be virtually meeting with the Olde Richmond Civic Association (ORCA) for design feedback on October 15th at 7:30 PM.

The project is more than double the size of what was planned in 2018. It will consist of a 7-story building with 150 residential units, 11,900 square feet of industrial space, a 5,200 square foot fresh food market, 45 underground parking spaces, 50 bicycle spaces, a green roof, and a roof deck. The industrial space could be used as artist studios.
The project was designed by KCA Design Associates. The facade will be made up of cast stone, composite wood, metal panels, and glass. The curb cut for the parking entrance will be located on E. Huntingdon St. There will be 120 one bedroom units and 30 two bedroom units. It looks like many of the residential units will have balconies.

This project is by-right and thus does not need any zoning relief. Outside of offering design recommendations, the CDR and neighbors will not have much input on the project as it has been engineered to comply with the zoning code.
We really appreciate the residential density that this project will bring and look forward to a fresh food market to open at this location. However, we are extremely sad to see the old warehouse get demolished. They really don’t build them like that anymore.
How do you feel about this project?
UPDATE 2/18/21: In anticipation for the project’s appearance before the Civic Design Review (CDR) on March 2nd, new renderings have been released for the project.

Kyle is a commercial real estate agent at Rittenhouse Realty Advisors, a homeowner, and a real estate investor in Philadelphia. Kyle uses his extensive Philadelphia real estate market knowledge to help his clients buy and sell multifamily investment properties, development opportunities, and industrial sites.
Email Kyle@RittenhouseRealty.com if you are looking to buy or sell a property
Instagram: @agent.kyle